Following recent developments at Park Place and the Maple Lawns site anyone who reads this blog will see that there has been a noticeable abscence of blogging! This is because the author was successful in securing a 'quick' transfer out of Park Place and into a property in a more peaceful location.........of course I feel sure that my recent 'community activity' had nothing to do with said transfer!
However, that is by the by. Recently, however I revisited my old flat (to rescue a treasured lavender bush) and got chatting to one of the residents again and thought I would add this post.
It seems that a group of children have taken to collecting used cigarette butts from outside the blocks of flats and smoking them, apparently the largish group comprises children as young as seven. I found this personally quite distressing as did the other lady and reported the matter to both police, Chiltern District Council, Paradigm and the government as I feel this particular community obviously needs some additional support. The police responded promptly although their powers are formal and limited, Paradigm deny any responsibility and there has yet to be any form of response or offer of help from any authority.
Considering the government's keen interest in promoting a health agenda for our young children and the recent focus on smoking, changing packaging designs etc I assumed agencies would be keen to 'help' a community group which I feel has been sadly neglected. Many improvements are needed to the estate and suggestions have been passed to Paradigm, although now I no longer live there I am not clear as to what progress is being made!
I hope that 'things' are in the pipeline and the promised new bins etc will arrive and someone does something about the 'dangerous' play area which has now been pointed out directly to Paradigm.They should have some time to schedule in the resurfacing at least as it has been quite a while now. I don't know whether anything is happening about the idea of the gardening club, or play area?
Anyway, I know that the particular lady I spoke to is not happy for her child to play out due to the current environment and she is not the only one!
The estate landscape 18/8/2010

A new take on the popular garden designer's theme of bringing the inside out! Freecycle anyone? You never know it COULD still work......
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Raans Development Site
Residents are now reporting cases of dog muck on the estate which kids have trodden in whilst playing outside. Residents have also received letters advising them that dogs can no longer be let off their lead on the estate and dog warden patrols are to be instigated. Park Place is already getting a taste of some of the inevitable and rather negative consequences that are undoubtedly to follow.
There is a lovely and very popular dog on this estate called Harry. My son used to enjoy playing ball with him and going over to the field with his owner. This dog wouldn't hurt a fly, but because of this development his freedom may also be curtailed. And, with that the pleasure of his owner and the children who like playing with him. It doesn't seem fair does it? When it is dog owners from off the estate who seem to be the main culprits. A problem I might add that didn't exist prior to the field being closed off. Under the circumstances I think Cala Homes and not Paradigm should foot the bill for the new dog bins which are clearly going to be needed here in Park Place.
The whole issue of this new development needs looking at very carefully, and I wonder how much thought actually went into the decision making process by Bucks CC when they determined to cash in this asset.
I think to be honest that the idea to involve a church in this was seriously flawed. Religion, as we know, is often a very divisive issue amongst people, and it is no different here.
On the estate there are people who welcome the church enthusiastically and genuinely believe it will be an asset to the community, equally others understandably feel the whole thing is an incredibly cynical ploy by the powers that be and the developer to enable them to get what they wanted using the church as an effective tool to help them achieve this. Timing was a critical factor too. As a result the Park Place Fun Day has had to be cancelled permanently.
As always in these situations is the way things are gone about that upset people the most. Things such as; the leaseholders being told when they purchased their properties that the field would not be touched;The Tree Protection Orders (TPO) placed on the trees which are now being cut down, taken off again at the drop of a hat. There is no function to a TPO if it doesn't protect the trees that have them, if the council have the power to remove them at their convenience then it seems they are not protected at all.
Then there is the fact that residents on the estate received letters only the first time around when the planning application was rejected..More naive individuals (such as myself, not involved in planning applications before) were unaware that it is normal practise for these applications to be resubmitted with only minor alterations until they are eventually forced through. When this happens it seems they are not obliged to notify these same residents a second time around, the plans show only a handful on the boundary line were contacted.
It seems, once again, that our authorities cannot trust the general public enough to share properly in its decision making. This is one of the points David Cameron is specifically referring to and I understand what he means here.
There is a lack of openness (and that's putting it kindly).
Perhaps BCC were in a panic because they were short of funds to cover services now and in the future ? Or under pressure to build homes and meet targets they couldn't afford (and risk being penalised). Kings Church, I am sure, must have viewed the offer to buy their piece of land for the nominal price of a £1 as divine providence, and frankly who can blame them! Then there's CDC somewhere in the middle? Is this how it was?
Please comment. I think people want to understand what's going on here. I also wonder what agencies such as the police and Paradigm really think?
I believe a group of residents are instigating an appeal process with the Secretary of State at the moment. I would be grateful if the lady I met the other day from this group would contact me - or PLEASE comment here. I think there is something to do with a negotiation with Sport England, and some ruling whereby playing fields can only be disposed of with their consent, also funds realised should only be used specifically for the purpose of sport and education. (Can anyone confirm if this is correct? There is also something here about the field having to be left for a 5 year period without an official sporting body using it??This is of some significance I believe.
If this is correct Park Place would love a new educational play trail (amongst other things) for the kids here. This is desperately needed. I notice a £50k fund raising project has begun at Chiltern Heights - I suspect this is not a coincidence either. It can't have escaped people's attention that the new playground proposed near the church will also be slap bang in the middle, halfway between Park Place and Chiltern Heights. It doesn't take Einstein to appreciate that this is possibly not the most sensible arrangement in this area! Well - Park Place want one too!
Under the circumstances I feel Bucks CC should fund both these projects if the appeal fails. And, if it does we want something from Cala Homes too!
Can someone else clarify why there is no social housing allocation amongst the new build as this was something else that I thought was mandatory now. With 20,000 plus applicants on Paradigm's waiting lists are we doing anything about this? And if not, WHY not?
I'm sorry to have to say it, as it won't be popular, but we are going to have to build on some green belt. What other way round this is there? With immigration from Europe and the expanding population - you can't keep squeezing everyone into the same small pieces of land. There will be nothing but more disharmony and social tensions in these overcrowded communities. I mean HOW CAN YOU?
I imagine both the police and Paradigm, whose resources must be stretched, are waiting with baited breath for the outcome to all this. So far I can only see problems and less harmony (a harmonious community being the aim of the church presumably!) - the haves and have nots, side by side - are the church ready to take on this challenge...............
What does everyone else think?
There is a lovely and very popular dog on this estate called Harry. My son used to enjoy playing ball with him and going over to the field with his owner. This dog wouldn't hurt a fly, but because of this development his freedom may also be curtailed. And, with that the pleasure of his owner and the children who like playing with him. It doesn't seem fair does it? When it is dog owners from off the estate who seem to be the main culprits. A problem I might add that didn't exist prior to the field being closed off. Under the circumstances I think Cala Homes and not Paradigm should foot the bill for the new dog bins which are clearly going to be needed here in Park Place.
The whole issue of this new development needs looking at very carefully, and I wonder how much thought actually went into the decision making process by Bucks CC when they determined to cash in this asset.
I think to be honest that the idea to involve a church in this was seriously flawed. Religion, as we know, is often a very divisive issue amongst people, and it is no different here.
On the estate there are people who welcome the church enthusiastically and genuinely believe it will be an asset to the community, equally others understandably feel the whole thing is an incredibly cynical ploy by the powers that be and the developer to enable them to get what they wanted using the church as an effective tool to help them achieve this. Timing was a critical factor too. As a result the Park Place Fun Day has had to be cancelled permanently.
As always in these situations is the way things are gone about that upset people the most. Things such as; the leaseholders being told when they purchased their properties that the field would not be touched;The Tree Protection Orders (TPO) placed on the trees which are now being cut down, taken off again at the drop of a hat. There is no function to a TPO if it doesn't protect the trees that have them, if the council have the power to remove them at their convenience then it seems they are not protected at all.
Then there is the fact that residents on the estate received letters only the first time around when the planning application was rejected..More naive individuals (such as myself, not involved in planning applications before) were unaware that it is normal practise for these applications to be resubmitted with only minor alterations until they are eventually forced through. When this happens it seems they are not obliged to notify these same residents a second time around, the plans show only a handful on the boundary line were contacted.
It seems, once again, that our authorities cannot trust the general public enough to share properly in its decision making. This is one of the points David Cameron is specifically referring to and I understand what he means here.
There is a lack of openness (and that's putting it kindly).
Perhaps BCC were in a panic because they were short of funds to cover services now and in the future ? Or under pressure to build homes and meet targets they couldn't afford (and risk being penalised). Kings Church, I am sure, must have viewed the offer to buy their piece of land for the nominal price of a £1 as divine providence, and frankly who can blame them! Then there's CDC somewhere in the middle? Is this how it was?
Please comment. I think people want to understand what's going on here. I also wonder what agencies such as the police and Paradigm really think?
I believe a group of residents are instigating an appeal process with the Secretary of State at the moment. I would be grateful if the lady I met the other day from this group would contact me - or PLEASE comment here. I think there is something to do with a negotiation with Sport England, and some ruling whereby playing fields can only be disposed of with their consent, also funds realised should only be used specifically for the purpose of sport and education. (Can anyone confirm if this is correct? There is also something here about the field having to be left for a 5 year period without an official sporting body using it??This is of some significance I believe.
If this is correct Park Place would love a new educational play trail (amongst other things) for the kids here. This is desperately needed. I notice a £50k fund raising project has begun at Chiltern Heights - I suspect this is not a coincidence either. It can't have escaped people's attention that the new playground proposed near the church will also be slap bang in the middle, halfway between Park Place and Chiltern Heights. It doesn't take Einstein to appreciate that this is possibly not the most sensible arrangement in this area! Well - Park Place want one too!
Under the circumstances I feel Bucks CC should fund both these projects if the appeal fails. And, if it does we want something from Cala Homes too!
Can someone else clarify why there is no social housing allocation amongst the new build as this was something else that I thought was mandatory now. With 20,000 plus applicants on Paradigm's waiting lists are we doing anything about this? And if not, WHY not?
I'm sorry to have to say it, as it won't be popular, but we are going to have to build on some green belt. What other way round this is there? With immigration from Europe and the expanding population - you can't keep squeezing everyone into the same small pieces of land. There will be nothing but more disharmony and social tensions in these overcrowded communities. I mean HOW CAN YOU?
I imagine both the police and Paradigm, whose resources must be stretched, are waiting with baited breath for the outcome to all this. So far I can only see problems and less harmony (a harmonious community being the aim of the church presumably!) - the haves and have nots, side by side - are the church ready to take on this challenge...............
What does everyone else think?
Friday, 20 August 2010
Sewage explosion at no. 55!
There was a sewage explosion in the kitchen sink of no. 55 early yesterday morning! The kitchen cupboards, walls, work surfaces and floor were spattered with erm.... 'matter' which reached as far as the living room - it stank!
After numerous phone calls and a couple of emails Miss Bateman was pleased finally (after initially being told she could have to wait up to 24 hrs) that the promised contractor did arrive in the afternoon and dealt with the blockage. An industrial cleaner is due to arrive today to perform a deep clean.
Hope you're feeling better today Rachel:)!
However a black mark goes to Paradigm's front line customer services, the initial contact, who informed Miss Bateman that it would probably turn out to be her fault (it wasn't) and she would be charged for the call out and repair. Frankly, in view of the complete bodge job carried out on her property during the replacement bathroom and kitchen scheme and subsequent even shoddier repairs, I would say on balance that it is she who is due for compensation rather than the other way round!
On a positive note Miss Bateman was offered the opportunity for her family to be moved out for the night. But she chose to remain in her home thus saving Paradigm from further expense.
The second black mark goes to Chiltern District Council's Environmental Health Dept. Wanting to be sure of the 'procedure' in cases such as this, I rang the office only to be told that there was no one available and that the lady 'covering' was from licensing. She did however assure me that an environmental officer would ring back. Needless to say they didn't........
It's not great is it ---when you have 3 children, can't use your toilet, kitchen sink and are told to leave the mess as the sink could erupt again at any time. Also you might have to wait 24 hrs and it's probably all your own fault anyway so it's going to cost you a lot of money! It's not surprising people get upset and frustrated in these situations.
Hopefully, someone will now come in and properly repair the large holes in her walls which they had to make, after discovering that the drainage system hadn't been connected properly, resulting in the walls filling up with water. The finished repair consisted of nailing pieces of board over the holes, one of the walls was a brand new plasterboard one which had only recently been put up!
I am not being deliberately antagonistic here toward Paradigm, it's just that I am able to empathise with this lady's situation and know that if I were her I'd be tearing my hair out too.
After numerous phone calls and a couple of emails Miss Bateman was pleased finally (after initially being told she could have to wait up to 24 hrs) that the promised contractor did arrive in the afternoon and dealt with the blockage. An industrial cleaner is due to arrive today to perform a deep clean.
Hope you're feeling better today Rachel:)!
However a black mark goes to Paradigm's front line customer services, the initial contact, who informed Miss Bateman that it would probably turn out to be her fault (it wasn't) and she would be charged for the call out and repair. Frankly, in view of the complete bodge job carried out on her property during the replacement bathroom and kitchen scheme and subsequent even shoddier repairs, I would say on balance that it is she who is due for compensation rather than the other way round!
On a positive note Miss Bateman was offered the opportunity for her family to be moved out for the night. But she chose to remain in her home thus saving Paradigm from further expense.
The second black mark goes to Chiltern District Council's Environmental Health Dept. Wanting to be sure of the 'procedure' in cases such as this, I rang the office only to be told that there was no one available and that the lady 'covering' was from licensing. She did however assure me that an environmental officer would ring back. Needless to say they didn't........
It's not great is it ---when you have 3 children, can't use your toilet, kitchen sink and are told to leave the mess as the sink could erupt again at any time. Also you might have to wait 24 hrs and it's probably all your own fault anyway so it's going to cost you a lot of money! It's not surprising people get upset and frustrated in these situations.
Hopefully, someone will now come in and properly repair the large holes in her walls which they had to make, after discovering that the drainage system hadn't been connected properly, resulting in the walls filling up with water. The finished repair consisted of nailing pieces of board over the holes, one of the walls was a brand new plasterboard one which had only recently been put up!
I am not being deliberately antagonistic here toward Paradigm, it's just that I am able to empathise with this lady's situation and know that if I were her I'd be tearing my hair out too.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Dilemma over children's play area
Unfortunately it has been brought to my attention today by a couple of residents that the play area at the back of the estate is dangerous. A child injured themselves on some of the broken concrete that surrounds the base of the posts, apparently they cut their back. A few of the children came over to discuss this with us and presented this dilemma. Complain and no doubt the play area would merely be cordoned off and marked as dangerous and not to be used. However the children don't want this to happen as it is the only play equipment here and it is well used. What we need is for work to be scheduled in to repair the play area with some kind of suitable covering......the lining that the play bark was laid over is also exposed and a hazard. The parents and child in question it appears to do not want to make a formal complaint.
TO BE CLEAR......the children do not want the play area cordoned off.
TO BE CLEAR......the children do not want the play area cordoned off.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
New Community Blog
This interactive blog forum is intended as a platform for the residents of Park Place, Amersham to get their voices heard. It has been formed with the sole purpose of making life better for everyone. We want as many people involved as possible in the blog as we feel it will be a really good way of getting some positive things done here which will benefit all the residents. It should accurately reflect the needs and aspirations of those who are here.
As the blog is in the public domain, it is highly visible so has the potential to make a great impact on any outside agencies we link with, for example Paradigm Housing Association. It will provide instant and continuous feedback to the housing association, Chiltern District Council, King's Church, Tenant Services Authority Audit Commission for example so it will be clear what our needs as a community are and at any given time. Hopefully this will get any issues that arise dealt with quickly, and if it doesn't they'll know about it here!
For any suggestions of what you would like to see included in the this blog either comment below or email
To get things started you will find a series of poll style questions at the bottom of this blog (20 questions in all so please bear with it!)- please click and vote for any that you feel strongly about (if there is any poll that you think should be included but isn't , please comment and I will add it in).
I can use the information from this to prioritise blog topics and can go into more details based on the poll responses.
Paradigm are already considering some proposals already put to them. Make sure your opinion counts.
It would be good to get a blog ring going with other social housing estates in the area, so if you can think of anyone on another estate who might be interested in replicating this and joining up to a blog ring please give them a link to this blog and they can email me .
Please feel free to email any pictures you would like to see here, whether its something funny, a nice pic of something you've seen nearby or highlighting a problem on the estate. Also your stories of life in Park Place (can be anonymous), details of any local events or groups and charities you are involved in and would like to promote.
If your neighbour doesn't have a computer perhaps they could use yours or tell you what things they'd like included and you could pass it on. Alternatively you could suggest they use the computer at a public library.
There are also some links on the right hand side which will take you to lots of interesting stuff about housing to help you know your rights.
Don't forget to sign up to 'follow' this blog!
See you soon.
As the blog is in the public domain, it is highly visible so has the potential to make a great impact on any outside agencies we link with, for example Paradigm Housing Association. It will provide instant and continuous feedback to the housing association, Chiltern District Council, King's Church, Tenant Services Authority Audit Commission for example so it will be clear what our needs as a community are and at any given time. Hopefully this will get any issues that arise dealt with quickly, and if it doesn't they'll know about it here!
For any suggestions of what you would like to see included in the this blog either comment below or email
To get things started you will find a series of poll style questions at the bottom of this blog (20 questions in all so please bear with it!)- please click and vote for any that you feel strongly about (if there is any poll that you think should be included but isn't , please comment and I will add it in).
I can use the information from this to prioritise blog topics and can go into more details based on the poll responses.
Paradigm are already considering some proposals already put to them. Make sure your opinion counts.
It would be good to get a blog ring going with other social housing estates in the area, so if you can think of anyone on another estate who might be interested in replicating this and joining up to a blog ring please give them a link to this blog and they can email me .
Please feel free to email any pictures you would like to see here, whether its something funny, a nice pic of something you've seen nearby or highlighting a problem on the estate. Also your stories of life in Park Place (can be anonymous), details of any local events or groups and charities you are involved in and would like to promote.
If your neighbour doesn't have a computer perhaps they could use yours or tell you what things they'd like included and you could pass it on. Alternatively you could suggest they use the computer at a public library.
There are also some links on the right hand side which will take you to lots of interesting stuff about housing to help you know your rights.
Don't forget to sign up to 'follow' this blog!
See you soon.
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